Monday, March 25, 2013

     So its been awhile, I had made that promise to myself about blogging more often, and then my life got crazy and I did not know how to talk about it. In the end the place I have worked for a long time, and felt like was a big part of me, closed. It was a small business and the owner got tired and just wanted to be done, it wasn’t financial which is good. But I have been sad and the process of closing was exhausting mentally and physically, it felt like a long goodbye with old friends. But on the flip side while I look for something new I can get a bit more studio time in and catch up on a lot of work.
     I am staying positive about all of this, before I found out about my losing my job I was offered a spinning wheel at a great price and I am so glad I bought it. I haven’t named her yet but her style name is Elizabeth and so for now its been lizzy...... I am in love.
So here she is....................
And this is what I spun on her for the first project it is an alpaca with sari silk bits blended in. Did I say how much I love my new wheel, this yarn was so easy and fun to spin.

I am also trying to get back to weaving I have a half threaded loom that has been siting from before Christmas. So back at it I hope to get everything threaded and get to work this week. The problem is I never do short warps, and this is a long one. It will be good to be weaving again. I am also in need of updateing my etsy shop which can be found here . Check it out and let me know what you think.

So here is to change, which is painful but good.