Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Simple Life

So I got an email from a old friend, and she asked how I have been, at first I thought of my long list of life complaints. Then I stopped and thought about how lucky I am. Yes I do not have constant and reliable full time  employment at this time but I am teaching what I love, fibers. Working at home is not the greatest thing because I also do laundry, clean and care for all of the animals, but I can wear my comfy clothes while I do that, prepare for teaching and work in the studio.

I really thought about this as I started to cook my breakfast. While cooking my eggs from my own chickens,  smearing jelly that I made on my toast, pouring my coffee into a mug made by a friend and a hand woven napkin to sit down to eat with.  I have a good life I have a life that is full of simple beauty.

And I really like this life that I have, I get to work in the studio several times a week and that is a privilege. I dyed a bunch of yarn a few weeks ago to make some kitchen towels with. I had one thing in mind when I went to the dye studio (my garage and driveway) and this is what came out. Not at all what I had imagined but I think it will work. So now I have to finish what is on the loom so I can ball this new yarn off and wind off a warp and get to work.

I also have two friends and a stepdaughter in my life who are expecting little ones in the next year so the baby knitting has begun, and I’ll post photos when I can of those projects.