Monday, August 2, 2010

This weekend I had the great pleasure of teaching a 9 year old girl to spin on my spinning wheel. While Emily loved plying yarn, she had a harder time spinning singles out of roving. So what follows are the photos of her first yarn, she plied it from singles I had.

These are the skeins that Emily made. 

These are the balls of yarn she wound. I started the balls and she then wound them herself. I have placed a AA battery next to them for scale. 

She was very proud of herself and was determined to understand the process and tried to fix the problems that came up on her own. She would try to fix the problem or try to understand what went wrong before she would ask for help. It was a joy to teach this one how to use the spinning wheel. Now she has dreams of spinning the yarn for her next knitting project, as she is learning how to knit this summer as well. 

Meanwhile I have been getting a bit of my own spinning done, I have several singles spun that I am planning to ply. This is what I have done. 

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